Is This Thing On?

Who needs the internet anyway?

Guess whaaat??? Local multiplayer is finally available! In the same build as online multiplayer! I worked long and hard reverse engineering some of the assets and frameworks I'm using to get this working, but it's really important that this game has a couch multiplayer. The original vision for this game is one where you play with your friends in the same space joking and laughing.

This will also make it a lot easier to demo the game at events because I'll only need 1 computer instead of 5, and I won't need an internet connection. I'm super excited for the next time I demo in-person.

What's new?

A lot of what's new has been under the hood to get local multiplayer working properly. But I did manage to squeeze in a few other things into this build:

  • local multiplayer in the same build as online multiplayer
  • a glow has been added to player's hands so you know when you can push again (known issue that this isn't syncing over the network yet)
  • fix issue where heavy powerup vfx lasted longer than the effect

Let's get loose!

Another big development is that I finally have motion capture files, courtesy of Rob Elsworthy (mocap technician) and Marcus Paris-Johnson (dancer). The raw files need some minor cleanup to get rid of the occasional mocap glitch. I have someone working on that as we speak, which means that custom dances will be coming very soon!! Here's one example, based on a dance by Cab Calloway.

What's next?

I have a lot of work ahead of me to get this thing polished and more entertaining.

  • I'm sure y'all are just as tired of these crash dummies as I am. I'll be commissioning more concept art so we can get more characters ready for production. I may even consider adding some goofy placeholder characters in the meantime.
  • My environment concept artist is in the middle of a concept for a nightclub stage
  • After that, we'll start on another stage inspired by Hart Plaza in Detroit
  • Many custom dances and animations, along with the ability to pick your dance

While you wait on those, you should try out the new build with your family or friends. Until next time!!

Files 194 MB
Sep 08, 2022

Get Boogie Bashers

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