Green Light!

Youmacon Feedback

So I had a booth in Youmacon's indie game space and it was a great experience!! I got tons of players to play, tons of footage, and tons of feedback. I couldn't stop smiling if you paid me to XD

Here's what players had to say on Saturday.

Steam Page

It's full of placeholders, but I also have a Steam store page now! Wishlisting the game is a free way to support the project, so please do!


Spending money on a video game is scary, especially for a first commercial project. I'm funding development with savings. I won't lie, at a certain point I felt that it was too risky to spend more than I already had to finish the game's original plan. I was going to just release the game in a barebones state and see how it performed. But Youmacon was that last push I needed.

At the Ann Arbor District Library event I learned that kids really, really like the game. The feedback from Youmacon validates that young adults like the game too. This was exactly what I needed to feel confident with spending what I originally planned.

So now I'm beginning a proper production phase. The plan is to get the 3 stages with 3 songs, good visuals and sound effects, and quality steam page production.

Spending is still scary, but I could not be more excited to be getting this thing moving at a more reasonable speed. Stay tuned for more updates!

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